Act now to save! SP Series Spectrophotometer Trade-In Deals!

Trade-up your SP Series spectrophotometer today to one of our industry-leading Ci62 or Ci64 handheld sphere spectrophotometers to accelerate color approvals and reduce color rejections.
From now until June 30, we are offering discounts to trade-in your existing X-Rite SP60, SP62 or SP64 handheld or competitor’s device for a Ci62 or Ci64 handheld spere spectrophotometer.
Benefits of Upgrading
X-Rite’s compact, lightweight handheld spectrophotometers are a performance-driven solution to take quick measurements and compare against tolerances at any stage of production.
- Preserve legacy data with data compatibility to your new device.
- Ensure your device is always calibrated and optimized for accurate and consistent measurements with embedded NetProfiler.
- Discover how to calibrate, measure, and properly use the device through interactive training modules.
- Easily configure device setup and menus and create backups.
- Adjust the UV-to-visible-light balance to achieve agreement between devices for optically brightened samples with the Ci64UV
Instruments Eligible for Trade-In Credit:
- X-Rite: CE XTH / SP60 / SP62 / SP64
- Datacolor: CHECK (any model)
- Konica Minolta: CM-700d / CM-600d / CM-2500d / CM-2600d
- HunterLab: MiniScan
- BYK: Spectro-Guide (any model)
Upgrade and SAVE today!
- Valid until June 30, 2023
- Competitive trade-ins require the return of the instrument
- Trade-ins require the return of the instrument
- Seaga reserves the right to limit the number of trade-ins
- This offer can be terminated at any time without notice
For any questions please contact (03) 9450 9500 or