X-Rite eXact Spectrophotometers and Densitometers

eXact Color Measurement |X-Rite

From eXact densitometers to highly advanced spectrophotometers, for use with paper, film or other substrates, the X-Rite eXact Series is the most accurate and consistent color measurement instrument on the market.

With easy-to-use features, everyone in your organization will be able to access the color data they need quickly and easily. The eXact instruments grow with your business needs and integrate with many X-Rite solutions.

The eXact Spectrophotometer instrument integrates with X-Rite solutions to ensure true color consistency across your entire workflow.

X-Rite eXact Spectrophotometer Benefits:

  • Spot color measurement support
  • Expands color capabilities when combined with X-Rite software
  • Intuitive touch-screen display
  • Simple job configuration
  • Fast color-bar measurement (Scan option)
  • Consistent and accurate color measurement on films and other substrates with polarized qualities (Xp option)

Featured X-Rite eXact Spectrophotometer Products:

eXact Basic
eXact Advanced Spectrophotometer Ideal for ink rooms, quality control labs, and print and packaging manufacturing facilities with the highest standards, the eXact Advanced Densitometer can measure the color of ink and paper before, during, and after print production to ensure color stays on target.

eXact Basic

eXact Standard Spectrophotometer: Specifically designed for printers and packaging converters, the eXact Standard is the market-leading spectrophotometer to validate the color of CMYK and spot color checks for inks

eXact Basic

 eXact Basic Spectrophotometer: Device for On-Press density measurement? The eXact Basic densitometer is designed for density control of CMYK jobs resulting in achieving and maintaining accurate ink measurement density throughout. 

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 eXact Xp Spectrophotometer: Used to measure Flexible Film. The eXact Xp spectrophotometer is designed specifically to help flexible packaging converters and ink manufacturers achieve accurate and consistent measurements of color while primarily measuring films and other substrates with polarized qualities.


6 products

6 products