eXact Basic Plus Densitometer

The eXact Basic Plus is a member of the X-Rite eXact family of handheld colour measurement instruments and is specifically for CMYK jobs. It is designed for press operators to compare production density measurements against stored standards with pass/fail indication and bring efficiency to operations with the ability to automatically detect colour and patch type, decreasing measurement times and improving accuracy.
eXact Standard Spectrophotometer

The eXact Standard spectrophotometer is specifically designed for printers and packaging converters to help ensure colour validation of CMYK and spot-colour inks and also leverage industry colour standards for increased press process control.
eXact Advanced Spectrophotometer

The preferred instrument of ink labs and quality control labs, the eXact Advanced spectrophotometer is designed to help you achieve the highest quality product with the broadest toolset. In addition to ensuring colour validation of CMYK and spot-colour inks, simultaneous measurements of four M modes, embedded Bluetooth capability, and enhanced colorimetric functionality, the eXact Advanced includes functions to evaluate ink and paper prior to, during, and after print production; saving time and reducing waste for your operation.
MetaVue VS3200 Imaging Spectrophotometer

For industrial applications in coatings, plastics, food, cosmetics and more, accurate, consistent colour is vital. Whether measuring plastic parts, liquids, powders, or gels, this versatile, non-contact imaging spectrophotometer can speed up colour formulation, production colour checks and quality control operations, reducing waste and rework while shrinking cycle time. This is especially important in environments with frequent production colour changes.
NetProfiler Formulation & QC Software

Complex supply chains that encompass multiple departments and geographies can by challenged by colour inconsistencies. NetProfi ler, a cloud-based blend of software and colour standards from X-Rite, reduces variances among measurement devices. It allows users to verify and optimize performance of colour measurement instruments, correcting issues caused by age, wear or environmental conditions, and better aligning them with each other for better intermodal agreement and repeatability.
Colour iQC Quality Control and Quality Assurance Software

Ensuring accurate, consistent colour across a global supply chain can be challenging. Colour iQC is a quality control software solution designed to meet the ever-evolving colour measurement and management requirements in all industrial market segments. With Colour iQC, specifiers and suppliers alike can be assured of consistent colour throughout the entire supply chain, from specification to material suppliers to manufacturing and assembly. By having Colour iQC as an integral part of quality control processes, all stakeholders can be confident that the design intent is carried through to the final product.